Friday, February 15, 2019

Singing Cops of Tahiti

This is without doubt, the best police visit I've done so far.  I went to the Police Municipale in downtown Papeete, Tahiti.  It has about 27,000 people and is a modern bussling port city.

The first officer at the desk knew some English and we immediately started bonding.  She yelled out for the others in the station to come up and meet me.  They all were very welcoming.

At one point, after I told them I'd started out in Memphis before the railroad police, she pointed at one officers.  She said he wasn't police.  He was a Morman and a singer. (Why the two things went together I don't know but, I got the idea they were teasing him)

He runs back into his office, grabs a guitar and starts singing Elvis songs.  And, he was very good!
Pretty soon she starts singing with him, then the Lieutenant comes out of his office singing too.

That's their district map behind us.

See the UP patch on the top right on the video on the bulletin board?

They said that they are a very close group, like family. They watch out after each other.  They have many of the same issues we have in the states but, their main problem is the large population of homeless.  Were do they go? Its an island.  Most of them are cared for at the Peepete Catholic Church just down the street and within our sght. They are fun=loving but, serious officers.  I got the double cheek kisses good bye from all of them.  Best shop talk so far.

I did other things today as well.  We took a large catermaran out. That was great.  The interesting thing was that we had to stop for approaching aircraft at the ends of the International Airport whose approaches are over the bay.  Catermarans have very tall masts. Landon can easily look that up on Google Earth.

Coming off the ship to music.

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