Sunday, June 9, 2019

Have Dulcimer - Will Travel

I've played dulcimer all over the world since the first of the year. I've played on Pacific islands and showed kids how to play. I've visited music stores from Shanghai to Italy with one. I've played with guitars and Sitars and bongo drums. I've played for so many people I don't know and for people and small parties on the ship. I've played at both Carnegie Hall and a beer hall. Well, just outside of Carnegie Hall but, actually inside a beer hall.

I one thing I have trouble doing is playing the dulcimer and taking pictures. So, I bought a selfie stick and took at few pictures at sea.

Dulcimer players tend to name their instruments. Before I left I asked friends and family on Facebook to give me suggestions for a name. As usual, my sister had the best suggestion. The name is Ferdinand Magellan, or Jelly for short.  And just like the namesake, he's the first to go around the world. And Jelly? Jelly can play the blues even though he's never had a hard day in his life. In fact, he started his career on a World Tour.

I bought 500 business cards with my contact information to take on the cruise. On the flip side is information on how to purchase a similar dulcimer. I am just about out and I have a few more countries to visit.

Again, I thank McSpadden Dulcimers and owner Jim White in Mountain View, AR for sponsoring me on this trip by providing me with a world-class dulcimer to take around the world with me. I'm willing to bet it is the only dulcimer to circumnavigate the planet.

When I get back to Fairfield Bay I will hold another Beginning Dulcimer class at the Adult Learning Center again. I will get with Catherine Swift and maybe hold it in August or fall. McSpadden, The Dulcimer Shoppe, will rent you a dulcimer during the course for a very small fee.  The course is free or minimal to cover the center's costs. I do it just for the enjoyment of it. Just like I enjoy it everyday on this trip.


  1. ♡♡♥♡♥ ◀========¤》》》》 (that was supposed to be textual dulcimer - lol. Anyway, I tried.)

  2. So kool, living the dream, good for you, Hoorah!
