Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Hong Kong From the Peak

I went on a bus tour that took us to a cable tram that went up to Victoria Peak over-looking Hong Kong. The tram was originally built and opened in 1888 and modernized several times since. It is a double reversible funicular system.  That means two cars are on the end of a very long cable and a drum at the top turns and one car is counter-weighed against the other. Both move at the same time. One goes up and the other on goes down.  It is on a single track except in the middle where the cars split for a few monments.  At one point the track is at a 27 degree grade. The views of Hong Kong are spatacular, even if not represented well by these photos on this day.

I ws a combination snoggy and foggy. There are a lot more buildings behind these, hiden.

I just liked the pattern of the huge retaining wall.

Hong Kong

This is my favorite picture.

Just so the FFBers know there is a Lion's Club over here too.

Look closely at some of the people.

Waiting in line.

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