Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Last State, Hawaii

Three days in Hawaii!! I have been in every state in the U.S. except Hawaii but, now I'm here and have completed that set. The ship is about the largest that can port in Nawillwill . I'm on a photographers' tour today, then Honolulu the tomorrow and finally Hilo on the big island the day after.

The day couldn't have been any better. Mountains, beaches, rain forrests and weather. There was rain but, it only seemed to rain while we were in the van and then mysteriously disappear when we'd stop to take photos.

We were on the island of Kaua'i, known as the garden island.  Everything grows everywhere. One valley already has its normal yearly total of rainfall: 1000 inches of rain. Yes, a one followed by three zeros.  There have been a lot of landslides. Kaua"i is the northern and western most island of the Hawaii chain. It's breath-taking.

Here are just a few of the photos I took.

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