Monday, February 11, 2019

Day 32 @sea

I was just out on deck looking out over the Pacific, horizon to horizon. We are not a huge ship but, we are cutting through only 3 foot waves at 20 knots. It creates a stiff but not unplesant breeze. 

There are no other ships to be seen. Non for days now.  Flying fish randomly lash out of the sea.  The occassional dolphin will pace us.

I am always my most content on the water and its moist air. These tiny waves would drive us off my lake back into a slip at the marina.  Here, we slice ahead effortlessly.  Our white frothy wake is a mile long. Here, so different from my lake, it is very much the same feel.

There are no mountains within almost a thousand miles. At least none above the surface. Here, so far away from my usual relatively dry exisitance, it is easy to understand that this sphere is covered mostly by water.  It is the volumn of it that is so near incomprehensible.

I am not posting any pictures here. Volumns would convey neither the enormity or its majesty which is its core. It is not my little lake but, it is the same. How could I not be anything but happy?


  1. Your lake back home is growing by the minute! Lynn Creek is rolling!!!! The lake is up. Rising by the minute. WATER LEVEL
    468.39 Feet MSL Tuesday, February 12, 2019 7:00:00 AM
    Level is 6.95 feet above full pool of 461.44. Stay thirsty, my friend.

